is owned by Keblar Solutions SL (NIF: B-65033433), headquartered at Carrer Les Corts, 27. 08349 Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona, Spain.
You can contact us anytime by phone at +34 610410695 or via email at .
Our privacy policy may vary depending on the actions you take on our website:
If you book an space, we will use the information you provide to fulfill our obligations and those of the Space Owner to deliver the service. When permitted, we may also use your information to keep you informed about other events you might be interested in.
When you browse the website, we inform you that we use cookies to personalize your experience and show you the content that most interests you.
We will never use the data collected from ticket sales commercially nor resell it to third parties. The Space Owner is the only party who will have your data to manage your access and experience at the space for which you made a reservation.
We advise you that each Space Owner has its own privacy policy, separate from ours, so it’s a good idea to review the Space Owner's privacy policy to understand how they will use your data.
Your options and rights are explained further below.
We collect and store different types of information about you when you create an account, rent a space, contact us, and use our websites, app, and social media.
When you create an account or rent a space, we collect your information, which may include your contact and billing details depending on the service provided.
When using our websites or app, we collect information such as the browser and device you are using, your IP address, location, the site from which you accessed, and your activities on our site/app. For additional details, see our Cookie Policy.
If you use a social media feature within our website or app, the social media platform may provide us with certain information about you.
In some cases, the Space Owner may request additional data to rent the space, such as specific accessibility needs.
For child-related events, the Space Owner may require personal information about children, which will always require parental consent and will only be used for specified purposes at the time of collection.
Space Owners may request any additional data they deem necessary to provide their clients with the best possible experience. In these cases, we advise verifying with the Space Owner what data is being requested and for what purpose, as acts solely as a technological platform facilitating the space rental.
We collect and use your information for various reasons, such as helping you rent spaces you like, keeping you informed about new features and options on our platform, or other valuable communications always related to
We use your information when you rent or request information about a space to:
We may share your data with:
You have the following rights, among others: continuously works to improve your experience. You can access your private area to:
If you have any requests, questions, or concerns, write to us at .